HIT Innovative Corp. 是由一群經驗豐富地手工具專業人士組合的公司, 見證了從1980年到今天台灣整個手工具業的轉變. 由最早先的日本進口鍛造半成品套筒在台灣加工, 改變成為台灣國營的”中國鋼鐵公司”在台灣自己生產冷鍛條棒線材, 材質由碳鋼轉變成鉻釩鋼再到特殊鋼材. 產品的製造也由有一般加工升級到CNC精密加工. 我們除了有自己的製造機器以外, 對於整個手工具行業其他各個工廠的產品有很深刻的認識. 在這個網路發達的時代, 要找到產品並不困難, 但是哪一家工廠的品質跟信用適合客人的需求, 這就必須要依賴經驗的累積, 才有辦法幫客人找到最合適的供應商跟產品, 就是我們公司的強項跟服務. 除此之外我們自己也一直在發展自己的專利產品來保障客人跟他的市場. 期待有機會替你們服務.
HIT Innovative Corp. is a company composed of a group of experienced hand tool professionals, who has witnessed the transformation of Taiwan's entire hand tool industry from 1980 DIY to today worldwide professional tools provider. From the earliest Japanese imported forged semi-finished sockets processed in Taiwan, then it changed to Taiwan government invested "China Steel Corporation" produces its own cold-forged coil bars in Taiwan, the material is also improved from carbon steel, chrome-vanadium steel to nowadays special steel for various market demand. The manufacturing of products has also been upgraded from general processing to CNC precision processing. In addition to our own manufacturing facilities, we have a deep understanding of other factories products in the entire hand tool industry. At this “One click” Internet era, it is not difficult to find products, but which factory's quality and credit will fit customers? This can only rely on the accumulation of experience and strong technical background. This is our expertise and we are happy to help find the most suitable suppliers and products for you. In addition, we keep developing our own patented products to protect customers and their markets. We look forward to having the opportunity to serve you.